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The History of Sage Herbs

The herb sage has an extensive history starting during the Roman era. It is a Mediterranean herb that has been used for centuries as medicine, in the household and in the kitchen.
  1. Early History

    • Romans used sage as medication and ate it to gain wisdom. Sage was so important that Romans wore special clothing and used a special knife during an elaborate ceremony to pick sage.

    Historical Uses

    • Sage was included in concoctions to increase memory and calm nerves. Doctors used it to cure mouth, throat and stomach problems. Sage was strewed on the floors of houses during the Middle Ages to hide the noxious smells of life. The American Indians used it to purify the environment and the body during smudging ceremonies. Cookbooks from the 1700s describe sage as a popular culinary additive to stuffing, pork, chicken and other foods.


    • Sage attracts good luck and banishes evil. It is used to bless and cleanse the environment and is carried as a talisman to impart wisdom and guard against the "evil eye," according to Indian Mirror. A sign that the wife ruled the house was if sage grew well in the garden, Botanical.com reports.