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Contraindications For Ginkgo

Ginkgo biloba leaves contain chemicals called terpenoids and flavonoids, which give ginkgo supplements their medicinal value. Flavonoids possess antioxidant properties that guard the heart, blood vessels and nerves, while terpenoids cause blood vessels to dilate and blood platelets to lose some of the stickiness that leads to clogged arteries. Under some conditions, you should avoid ginkgo supplements; consult a qualified health professional for advice before taking them.
  1. Blood-Related Disorders

    • Ginkgo supplements are contraindicated for people who suffer from blood-related disorders such as diabetes or hemophilia. People with hemophilia either do not possess or possess low levels of factor VIII and factor IX, which help blood to clot. Because ginkgo reduces blood's stickiness and can increase the severity of bleeding, hemophiliacs should only take ginkgo while under close medical supervision. Diabetics should be careful with ginkgo because of its effect on insulin -- it can cause insulin levels to decrease.


    • Because of its effect on blood's ability to clot, you should avoid taking ginkgo before any surgical procedures. This includes scheduled dental work. If you're having surgery, keep your doctor informed about how long you've used ginkgo and how long it's been since you last used it.

    Age and Condition

    • Ginkgo is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Children should not take ginkgo. Elderly patients who have circulatory problems should exercise caution with ginkgo supplements.


    • People who suffer from seizures should not take ginkgo because of a substance called ginkgotoxin, which exists in high concentrations in ginkgo seeds. Ginkgotoxin can trigger seizures by causing an imbalance in important neurotransmitters. Ginkgo may also interfere with an anticonvulsant medication's ability to control seizures. Ginkgo leaves contain less ginkgotoxin, but the risk of triggering seizures remains.


    • Ginkgo is contraindicated for people who take SSRI and MAOI antidepressants, blood-thinning medications, immunosuppressants, diuretics and medications for hypertension. Ginkgo may lower blood pressure, making it imperative that people on antihypertensives discuss taking the supplement with a health care provider. It increases the positive and negative effects of MAOIs, and elevates the risk of developing serotonin syndrome in those who take SSRIs.