Home Garden

How to Buy Fresh Herb Plants

Increasing the flavor of a dish is typically done by introducing herbs. Available in grocery stores and health food markets, pre-packaged herbs are how many consumers add spice and flavor to their meals. While purchasing dried herbs from the store may save time and energy, fresh herbs typically have bolder, stronger flavor and if the whole plant is purchased, you can introduce fresh herbs into your garden.


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      Locate a farmers' market, health food store of herb plant nursery within your area. The difference between buying fresh herb plants from a farmers' market or health food store or directly from a nursery is that farmers' markets and health food stores may have the herbs already trimmed, while herb nurseries sell whole plants to be planted in your home garden.

      The U.S. Department of Agricultural Marketing Service offers a state-by-state database of farmers' markets throughout America. The GreenPeople organization offers a state-by-state list of health food stores, and Business-to-Business Nurseries offers a national database of herb-specific nurseries.

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      Call the farmers' market, health food store, or herb nursery prior to arriving to determine what herbs they currently have stocked. Certain herbs are seasonal, thus contact the seller first so you know what herbs are available.

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      Review the quality of the herb plants upon arrival. The stems of herbs should be hearty, and able to withstand the weight of the leaves without limping over. Double-check the coloration of the herb plant, especially if you plan to introduce this plant into your garden. There should be no brown spots on the leaves of the herb or stems.

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      Smell the herbs to determine their freshness and health. Depending on the type of herb its smell will vary. If the plant has a dull smell, move on to the next batch.

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      Purchase a fresh herb plant with vivid color that is healthy and has a distinct smell. If you are transplanting the plant into your garden, do so immediately when home. If you are buying herbs to cook with, make sure you cook with the herbs as soon as possible.