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Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Live Plants

Cinnamomum zeylanicum is the only true cinnamon plant in the genus Cinnamomum. It is sometimes called Ceylon cinnamon to distinguish it from the more common Chinese cassia cinnamon. It is native to Sri Lanka, and has been in use since before Biblical times. The spice was the cause of numerous international conflicts in historical times due to its popularity and demand.
  1. Tree Specifications

    • The Cinnamomum zeylanicum is an ornamental tree that produces small white flowers followed by a dark, olive-shaped fruit. The leaves are simple and non-serrated, with a dark green color. New leaves have a reddish tint, giving the tree a vibrant burst of color. The tree normally grows to heights between 20 and 40 feet and thrives in full sun. The bark of the Ceylong cinnamon tree is a reddish-gray. While the bark is commonly known as a spice, the leaves contain eugenol, an aromatic component of cloves. In its natural habitat, the canopy is thick and blocks out the sun to the ground below. The tree falls into the classification of Laurales, and is related to avocados, sassafras and bay laurel trees. Similar species in the Cinnamomum genus are camphora, citronella and cassia.


    • The tree requires a subtropical or tropical habitat in order to thrive. Its native home of Sri Lanka has a hot, tropical climate, with rich, moist soil. Ideally, it should stay in regions close to the equator where water and sun are plentiful. However, it can grow in areas north or south of the equator, such as Brazil and Pakistan. It could be grown in areas in the United States that do not experience prolonged cold snaps, but only in soil that is kept well fertilized and moist.

    Distinguishing Features

    • Most of the cinnamon in food and drink is the Cinnamomum cassia, but the lighter, sweeter zeylanicum variety can be found in a variety of culinary items. Ceylon cinnamon bark is thin and light brown. When cut, it folds itself into cigar-like rolls with multiple layers. Chinese cassia bark, however, is hard and thick, with a darker color. When cut, it rolls into a hollow single layer like a straw.

    Medicinal Uses

    • Cinnamon has a number medicinal uses, ranging from gastro-intestinal to mental wellness. It can help control blood sugar, which makes it a good dietary supplement for diabetics. Historically, it was used to treat asthma and bronchial issues. It naturally provides a source of inner warmth for the body, improves circulation, and in India it's a common remedy for menstrual cramps.