Home Garden

How Deep to Plant Ginger

Ginger is a tropical plant with a root that may be used medicinally and in cooking. Growing ginger is a straightforward task, and it grows to a full 2 feet high. It is valuable both as an ornamental and as a seasoning for the kitchen.
  1. Preparation

    • Ginger is typically propagated from root cuttings, also known as rhizomes, rather than from seeds. Each large piece of ginger root should be cut into chunks that are between 1 and 1 1/2 inches long and then allowed to dry for a few days before you plant them.


    • Bury each piece of ginger about 1 inch deep in rich, well-worked soil. Each piece of ginger root should be about 15 inches apart in the row and each row should be about 15 inches apart from the other rows.


    • Plant the ginger root in the early spring, giving the plants plenty of time to establish themselves. After the plants have died down in the fall, you may dig the rhizomes up and use them in the kitchen. Dry the ginger and grind it to a powder or grate fresh ginger root and use the spicy juice and gratings in your cooking.