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What Is Dried Pennyroyal?

There are two distinct plants that are referred to by the name pennyroyal: European pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) and American pennyroyal (Hedeoma pulegioides). These plants are similar in flavor and medicinal properties. European pennyroyal, a member of the mint family, is the more common of the two. Like other medicinal herbs, pennyroyal is often sold in dried form for the purpose of brewing an infusion.
  1. Medicinal Properties

    • According to author Steven Foster in his book "Tyler's Honest Herbal", pennyroyal possesses carminative qualities. In other words, it prevents flatulence by ceasing the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal system. Natural health writer Claire Kowalchik reports that pennyroyal, like other mints, is used to prepare a tea consumed to treat indigestion and upset stomach. Pennyroyal also causes profuse sweating. It was used for this reason by Native American and early European settlers to break fevers.

      This herb is known as an emmeagogue, or a substance which stimulates menstruation. It may be used to help bring on a late period. Due to this property, pennyroyal should be avoided during pregnancy.

    Other Uses

    • Pennyroyal is commonly used as an herbal insect repellent for both humans and other animals. In "Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs", Claire Kowalchik recommends rubbing crushed pennyroyal leaves directly onto the skin to keep pesky insects away. Pennyroyal plants can also be grown in a garden to detract insects from invading.


    • Both European and American varieties of pennyroyal contain high amounts of volatile oils which may cause liver damage. For this reason, pennyroyal oil should not be taken internally. This herb is also counterindicated for pregnant and nursing women as well as infants.