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What Does Hyssop Taste Like?

Hyssop, an herb often mentioned in the Bible, was used by the Jews for offering sacrifices and as a cleaning agent, according to Smith's Bible Dictionary. However, hyssop can also be used for culinary purposes because of its variations in flavor.
  1. Uses

    • Hyssop has a minty taste, and some people use it in teas or sauces. Hyssop can also be used to flavor meats and soups, but it is only necessary to use a small amount because the flavor is pungent, according to WSAC.com.


    • According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, the hyssop mentioned in the Bible could be one of three plant types. The common hyssop, a shrub-like plant, is native to southern Europe and has a warm taste, similar to anise. The second type of hyssop has slender stems and a taste similar to marjoram or oregano, and the third variety is believed to be the caper, also known as the mountain pepper, and has a peppercorn-like taste.


    • If you're cooking with hyssop, combining it with other ingredients to form a sauce or paste can help to balance the strong flavor. For instance, Origanum syriacum, a variation of hyssop, is commonly used in Palestine for savory dishes. "It is available in dried form in almost any Arab market as a mixture of hyssop, sesame seeds, salt and sometimes olive oil," according to Old Dominion University.