Home Garden

The Easiest Way to Make Essential Oils

While there are a dozen different methods to create homemade essential oils, using a crockpot is by far the easiest way. Homemade essential oils vary in quality and strength, and are not 100 percent essential oils such as you would buy in the store. Make sure you understand the properties of whatever herb, spice, or flavoring you use to make the essential oil. Some things should not be eaten! Most essential oils are used topically but can cause irritation or breakouts. Read everything you can about individual oils and take care with children or people with sensitive skin.

Things You'll Need

  • Crock pot
  • Carrier oil (varies depending on plant material)
  • Plant material such as herbs, spices, flowers, garlic, citrus peels, etc.
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      Prepare the plant material. For herbs, use only the leaves and flowers and chop roughly. For spices, use whole spices and crush in a mortar and pestle. For flowers, use only the petals. For kitchen flavorings such as garlic and citrus peels, use fresh materials in season.

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      Measure the plant materials. Typical ratios per one cup of carrier oil: 1/4 ounce herbs; 2 tbsp. crushed spices; 1/4 to 1/2 oz. flower petals; 6 crushed garlic cloves; or 2 tbsp. chopped citrus peel.

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      Place the carrier oil in the crockpot. Use neutral oil such as jojoba, safflower or corn oil for herbs and spices, or extra virgin olive oil or nut oil for kitchen flavorings.

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      Place the plant materials directly into the oil or wrap in several layers of cheesecloth.

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      Cook on low for six to eight hours. If the fragrance is not strong enough, cook for a couple hours more, not to exceed 12 hours. If the fragrance is still not strong enough, remove the spent plant materials and add fresh in the same ratio, taking care to not overcook.

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      Strain through a fine mesh strainer or remove the cheesecloth bundle. Store in brown bottles in a cool, dark place and use within six months.