Home Garden

How to Grow Herbs in a Trash Can

From tomatoes growing out the bottom of hanging buckets to herbs sticking out the side of a trash can, home container gardens are becoming increasingly popular. Freshly picked herbs add color and flavor to home-cooked meals and a well-stocked herb garden need not take up a lot of space. All you need is a clean trash can and you can grow a herb garden on a balcony or in a bright sunny window area.

Things You'll Need

  • Marker
  • Shears or knife
  • Coarse gravel
  • Potting soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Tray
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    • 1

      Select a clean plastic garbage can. Anywhere from a 5 to 15 gallon can is suitable, but you will get more herbs into a larger can.

    • 2

      Mark out circles 5 inches in diameter and 8 inches apart on the sides of the container. Cut out the holes using a good pair of shears or a knife.

    • 3

      Cut out five to seven holes 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter around the bottom of the trash can to provide drainage.

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      Spread a 2-inch layer of coarse gravel over the bottom of the can.

    • 5

      Fill the trash can with potting soil. Pack it in tightly to keep it from coming out the holes in the side of the can.

    • 6

      Remove the herb plant from the nursery pot. Either cut the plastic pot away or, holding the plant at the base in one hand, gently work the pot off with the other. Use herbs in 2-inch containers for easiest planting.

    • 7

      Scoop out enough soil from one of the holes to make room for the root ball of the herb plant. Press the root ball into the hole so that the base of the plant is set in 1/2 inch from the side of the can. Press more soil around the roots to secure the herb in the hole. Continue planting until all the herbs are sticking out the side of the trash can.

    • 8

      Fertilize every other week with a slow release 10-20-10 or an 8-16-8 fertilizer. Check the package for instructions of the right amount to use and the best method of application.

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      Apply water when the soil at the top and near the herb plants feels dry to the touch. Apply water slowly, allowing it to seep down through the soil.

    • 10

      Place the trash can planter on a tray or on its lid to capture excess water that drains through. Remember to empty the tray to prevent water from standing around the base of the planter.

    • 11

      Harvest the herbs as needed in the kitchen. Take a few leaves or stalks from each plant to avoid depleting one single plant. Use snippers or your fingernails to sever the herbs neatly from the plant without damaging the roots.

    • 12

      Place the trash can herb planter in an area where it will get at least six hours of sun a day.