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Creeping Lobelia

Creeping lobelia, also known as Chinese lobelia, is a low-lying plant usable as a groundcover. The plant produces bright white or pink flowers for most of the summer and spreads rapidly.
  1. Significance

    • The creeping lobelia has a long history of use as an herb. The Kam people of China use it to combat cancer and snakebites. They make a medicinal tea from the plant including the roots.


    • Some areas of the United States consider the creeping lobelia an invasive plant because of its rapid growth habit. For instance, Suffolk County, New York, has the plant on its "Management" List. The county recommends that gardeners not use the plants on this list within the county and that gardeners remove any plants already growing.


    • The creeping lobelia has a fibrous root system, meaning that none of the numerous roots grows larger than any of the others. The lance-shaped leaves have an alternate growing pattern. The smooth, dark brown seed is about .5mm long.