Home Garden

Yellow Root Identification

Yellow root is another name for goldenseal, an herb that is known for treating colds and even treating snake bites, according to North Carolina State University. If you're interested in taking yellow root supplements or want to know how to identify the plant for garden growth, it's important to know what to look for.
  1. Geography

    • The yellow root plant is native to North America, and has grown wild in forests for hundreds of years, according to the North Carolina Consortium on Natural Medicines and Public Health. The plant can be found growing in moist soil in states like Vermont, Georgia and Kansas, and also grows in the southern region of Quebec. Due to the popularity of goldenseal, it is now an endangered species in North Carolina, notes North Carolina State University.


    • Yellow root gets its name because of the noticeable yellow rhizome of the plant and its striking yellow fibrous roots. Goldenseal plants can grow to be about 14 inches tall in maturity, and have five or seven lobed leaves that are up to 12 inches in width. Yellow root also produces white flowers in the spring, and a summer fruit that is similar to a raspberry.

    Expert Insight

    • According to North Carolina State University, goldenseal is an herbal remedy that cures sore throat and mouth sores. Iriqouis Indians also used yellow root for pnuemonia and whooping cough. The university also asserts that modern uses for goldenseal include ear infection and nasal congestion treatment.