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A Mint and Peppermint Mosquito Repellent for the Garden

Mosquitoes are more than an annoyance. They spread diseases like malaria, encephalitis and West Nile virus, so you'll want to avoid them when you're working in your garden. Several varieties of mint can help keep mosquitoes away.
  1. Mint

    • Crush spearmint or peppermint leaves to release their essential oils and place them in saucers around your garden. You can also make a spray by mixing the mint's essential oil with vodka and lightly spraying it outside.


    • According to researchers at Iowa State University, catnip oil repels mosquitoes better than most commercial bug repellents, and it's a member of the mint family. Make a spray to use in your garden by crushing stemmed catnip leaves and covering them with mild rice vinegar. Place it in a sealed jar, and store the jar in a dark cupboard for two weeks. Shake the jar every day and strain the contents into a clean jar at the end of the two weeks. Store in the refrigerator.


    • Pennyroyal is a member of the mint family that has been used as an insect repellent for centuries. You can use it to repel mosquitoes by hanging strips of paper or cloth containing several drops of pennyroyal oil. In addition, fill saucers with crushed leaves and place them around your garden.