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Regular Vs. Golden Flax Seed

Flax is an ancient grain first cultivated in Babylon around 3000 B.C. Today, brown and golden varieties of flax seed are grown in the prairie regions of North America. Seeds are naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients.
  1. Geography and Cultivation

    • Canada is the number one producer and exporter of flax seed worldwide. Brown flax seed is grown in the western prairie provinces of Canada. In the U.S., the state of North Dakota is a leading producer of flax seed grown for food. According to the Thomas Jefferson Agricultural Institute, a new variety of "golden" flax called Omega has been cultivated because its color is considered more desirable to consumers, compared with brown flax.


    • According to the Flax Council of Canada, golden flax seeds and brown flax seeds have similar nutritional benefits. Both varieties are full of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and lignans, an antioxidant. One type of flax is not superior to the other, though health food companies and commercial producers of golden flax laud that variety's superiority.


    • Flax seed are high in omega-3 fatty acids, similar to oily fish such as salmon. Flax is therefore a healthful alternative for vegetarians seeking ways to increase their omega-3 intake. Flax seed is also high in fiber and is said to help reduce cholesterol and aid in the prevention of diseases such as cancer.