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Herbs to Repel Fire Ants

Fire ants are pesky insects that are often described as overly aggressive insects. They attack anything or anyone that may cause disruption to their nests. These victims could include your pets, your children or yourself. Fire ants have a painful and irritating sting, which leads to the desire to keep them away. There are natural herbs and spices that can be helpful in deterring fire ants from your home and yard.
  1. How it works?

    • Fire ants follow each other based on the scent they leave behind, so they are sensitive to smells. Herbs that are strong in scent will deter ants from coming near. Basil, sage and peppermint are good examples. If trying to keep the ants out of your garden, planting these herbs will help. If you are trying to keep them out of your home, sprinkling these herbs around the perimeter periodically will help. As long as the smell is there, the ants will most likely avoid the area.


    • Basil is green with oval-shaped, pointed leaves. It can be bought at your local grocery store or grown in your own garden at home. If you wish to grow basil plants, ensure they are watered well and kept in a relatively warm environment. The leaves are oftentimes used in salads, pastas, stews, with other vegetables and in vinegars to add flavor.


    • Sage is a silvery-green plant. It is used in foods and for medicinal purposes. One medicinal use would be that of treating a sore throat. When gargled, the oils relieve pain in the throat, gums and mouth. Though not proven, sage is also been thought to better a person's memory and sharpen the senses.


    • Peppermint is used in foods and for medicinal purposes. It can be used to relieve headaches if rubbed across the forehead and temples. It is also used to solve problems created by digestion issues such as irritable bowl syndrome, and it helps deter feelings of nausea. Peppermint is commonly used to flavor ice cream, drinks, toothpaste, mouthwash, candies, liqueurs and chewing gum.