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The Importance of Irish Moss

Irish moss is an aquatic plant that grows along the coastlines in several part of the world. It is very nutritious and is believed to carry medicinal and protective properties.
  1. Geography

    • The edible seaweed known as Irish moss grows along the coastlines of Ireland and Brittany. It can also be found along the Atlantic coastlines of Europe and Canada and, in the United States, in the Atlantic Coastal states from Maine to North Carolina.


    • Irish moss was used extensively in Ireland as a food source during the Potato Famine of the 19th century. Housewives would boil the plant in milk, making a thick pudding that was served with cream. Irish moss was used to feed cattle, stuff mattresses and thicken printing ink. It was also known as an aphrodisiac.


    • Carrageenan is the extract of Irish moss and contains excellent binding properties. It is used in a vast array of products, including dairy, baking, skin care and hygiene products, and even beer. Irish moss is also taken as an herbal remedy for a variety of ailments, including bronchitis, diarrhea and sore throat.


    • Individuals taking anticoagulants should consult a physician before using Irish moss, as it has blood-thinning properties. Other interactions are unknown.

    Fun Fact

    • You can try to capture the luck of the Irish by carrying Irish moss in purse or pockets or by placing a piece underneath a rug. The belief is that doing so will increase the individual's luck and insure steady income. It is also said that carrying the plant on trips will provide safety and protection.