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Yeast Killing Herbs

The yeast-like fungus candida resides in various areas of the body and normally does not raise any cause for concern. When it grows unchecked, however, it can result in infections of the vagina, mouth and intestinal tract. Out-of-control candida growth throughout the body has been fingered as a trigger for a wide range of conditions but scientific evidence does not support this notion. If you have a tendency to develop infections related to yeast, many herbal treatments have demonstrated antifungal properties and taking them, along with other measures, might reduce your risk of and treat yeast-related infections.
  1. Herbs Containing Berberine

    • Herbs containing berberine have a long history of use in Chinese medicine for treating bacterial, fungal and viral infections. Naturopathic physician and author Stephen C. Byrnes, recommends using berberine-containing herbs like goldenseal, barberry and Oregon grape root to kill candida fungus. He notes that these herbs also stimulate the immune system, which will help protect the body against fungal infections. Goldenseal can irritate the liver if taken in excess, and, thus, he recommends discontinuing the supplement for seven days every two weeks.


    • A study in the June 2010 issue of "Planta Medica" looked at the effects of thyme on a variety of isolated bacteria and fungus including candida. It found found the essential oils present in this herb disrupted the plasma cell membrane of this fungus, leading to cell death. Researchers concluded thyme might have value as a medicinal treatment for fungal infections.


    • Garlic has demonstrated antifungal properties reports the University of Maryland Medical Center, which lists it as a suggested herbal treatment for candida infections. You can take it in supplement form or eat one or two cloves daily. If taking supplements, Byrnes recommends enteric-coated capsules, which ensure the garlic will not get released until it reaches the intestines, where much of the candida resides.


    • The South African plant Dodonaea viscose, also known as hopseed, has demonstrated strong action against candida fungus. A study published in the June 2008 issue of the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" looked at the effects of hopseed on candida strains from HIV patients, who commonly suffer oral yeast infections, non-HIV patients and a strain commonly used in controls. Researchers also tested the actions of common antimicrobial agents triclosan and chlorhexidine gluconate included in mouthwashes to treat oral yeast infections. The results showed hopseed more effectively killed candida than these commonly used substances.

    Other Recommended Herbs

    • Other herbs that have demonstrated antifungal properties includes cinnamon, pau d'arco and echinacea juice. If treating an oral yeast infection, the University of Maryland Medical Center also suggests tea tree oil and pomegranate as they have demonstrated effectiveness against yeast in studies.