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Hydroponic Gardening of Herbs for Profit

Hydroponics, the growing of plants without the use of soil, is an effective method of raising different kinds of plants for sale. If a producer wishes to enter the market on a large scale, a hydroponic system can be quite expensive to get started and to operate. For the smaller producer, however, setting up a simple hydroponic growing system for a variety of herbs can be done quickly and affordably, especially during periods of warm weather.
  1. Herbs

    • Any kind of herb will grow with a hydroponic system and will be ready for sale about 25 percent faster than those grown in the soil. When considering growing herbs commercially, it is best to choose those that are in steady demand, are relatively easy to grow and that lend themselves to simple hydroponic growing systems. Herbs to try include any of the mint family, rosemary, oregano, basil, chives, parsley and thyme.

    Hydroponic Systems

    • There are many different types of hydroponic systems. All use the concept of providing liquid nutrients directly to the roots of the growing plants, but they accomplish this in different ways. The simplest system is a floating garden. In this type of setup, plants are suspended above a pool of nutrients, with their roots in the liquid constantly. Other types of systems drip nutrients into the medium that is supporting the plants, use air to blow nutrients onto the roots or use aerated liquid to keep the solution constantly moving around the plants.

    Financial Considerations

    • For the small entrepreneur wanting to grow some herbs and market them locally, floating gardens provide an affordable way to start growing immediately. A container is easily made from four 2-by-8-inch boards and a sheet of heavy plastic. Inexpensive nutrient solution made from water-soluble fertilizer, Epsom salts and plain water helps to keep costs down. Since plants are easily started in a hydroponic system, seeds can be grown in a supporting medium and quickly turned into ready-to-sell herbs.


    • Sell the herbs locally at farmers markets and to local stores and restaurants. Because the growth time is so much quicker than with more conventional gardening methods, it is much easier to maintain a steady supply and keep customers happy. Emphasize the hydroponic aspect of the operation, which is a quick and clean method of growing. Some growers package the entire plant, roots and all, when selling hydroponic herbs, so buyers know they are getting young, tender plants.