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How to Grow Herbs in a Whiskey Barrel

Most herbs are suitable for whiskey barrel gardens with the exception of those that tend to be invasive such as mint, oregano and lemon balm. Prepare a separate barrel for these aggressive growing herbs. Herb plants do exceptionally well in a half whiskey barrel as long as it has ample drainage and quality planting soil. Keep a careful eye on whiskey barrel herb gardens in the hot summer months as they tend to dry out quickly. Locate the barrel where it can be enjoyed and close to your kitchen for easy access.

Things You'll Need

  • Whiskey barrel, 15 inches deep and 23 inches in diameter
  • White vinegar
  • Hand shovel
  • 5-gallon plastic bucket
  • Compost
  • Sphagnum peat moss
  • Coarse perlite
  • Builders sand
  • Organic fertilizer mix
  • Volcanic ash
  • Crushed gravel
  • Plastic packaging pellets
  • Plastic sheet
  • Scissors
  • 2 sweet basil
  • 1 sweet marjoram
  • 1 Italian parsley
  • 1 upright rosemary
  • 1 thyme
  • Organic liquid fertilizer
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    • 1

      Clean the inside of the whiskey barrel with a solution of 1 part vinegar and 1 part water. Let the barrel dry thoroughly.

    • 2

      Choose a location for the whiskey barrel where it will receive at least five hours of sunlight a day.

    • 3

      Mix in a 5-gallon plastic bucket: 32 cups of composted chicken manure or earthworm castings, 16 cups of sphagnum peat moss, 16 cups of coarse perlite, 16 cups of builders sand, 1 cup of organic fertilizer mix and 1/2 cup of ground volcanic ash. Add water to moisten. Let the potting mix stand overnight.

    • 4

      Pour 3 inches of crushed gravel into the barrel. This will ensure adequate drainage.

    • 5

      Pour 3 inches of plastic packaging pellets on top of the gravel. This will keep the weight of the barrel manageable.

    • 6

      Cut plastic sheeting to fit the barrel. Punch holes in the sheeting for drainage and lay it on top of the plastic pellets.

    • 7

      Pour the potting mixture from Step 3 on top of the plastic sheeting to within 3 inches of the barrel rim. Do not overfill the barrel.

    • 8

      Remove plants from their containers and gently separate the roots. Plant the basil and parsley plants in the center of the barrel and stagger the remaining plants around the rest of the barrel. Leave a minimum of 6 inches between plants.

    • 9

      Water the whiskey barrel garden thoroughly. Fertilize the herbs weekly with organic fertilizer, according to manufacturer directions.