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The Shelf Life of Fresh Ginger

When storing ginger, start with the freshest piece available. Select your ginger based on its appearance: The skin should be smooth and fragrant, with firm flesh beneath. Longer rhizomes are more mature and may hold more heat, but they may also have dry, woody and fibrous tissue. You must usually peel mature ginger, as the skin is tough; you do not need to peel young, green or spring ginger before use, as the skin is thin, and the flesh is both tender and mild.
  1. Unrefrigerated

    • Store fresh ginger for up to a week at room temperature in a cool, dry location. You may also store fresh ginger in a pot filled with horticultural sand and kept in a cool, dry place. The length of storage time for this method varies.


    • Keep fresh ginger in the refrigerator to extend its useful life to several weeks. The Food Network website advises you to store the ginger in a paper bag in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, while the Gourmet Sleuth website suggests you store ginger wrapped in paper towels and placed inside a plastic bag. The Fine Cooking website, however, preferred to store ginger uncovered and unpeeled inside of a plastic bag. Ginger generally keeps for three weeks in the refrigerator.

    In the Freezer

    • You can store ginger in the freezer for up to two months tightly wrapped in freezer paper or a freezer-safe bag. The manner in which ginger should be processed for freezer storage is a topic for debate. The Steamy Kitchen website suggests that you prepare your ginger for ease of use before storing it by peeling and trimming it into a cylinder shape so you can snap off or grate a small piece as needed. While you can also chop your ginger into the size or shape you most often use before freezing it, the Asian Online Recipes website warns that you should avoid storing peeled or chopped ginger, stating that you can freeze the unpeeled pieces for up to three months.

    Other Storage Methods

    • Ginger can be preserved using methods ranging from cooking to pickling, canning and drying. You can not only add flavor to your ginger, but have it processed and ready for use by peeling it and storing it in a dry sherry. This combination may be kept refrigerated for up to three months. Store dried ginger in a cool place, away from sunlight, in an airtight container; store crystallized ginger under similar conditions for up to three months.