Home Garden

Ways to Use Parsley

Parsley is far more than a vibrant green addition to your culinary presentations. It can be used as a or an herb, and it has other applications in and around your home. Parsley comes in two basic varieties: curly (Petroselinum crispum var crispum) and flat leaf parsley, also called Italian Parsley (Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum). In cooking, you can use them as substitutes for each other, with the understanding that the flat leaf variety packs more flavor than its curly cousin.
  1. Garnish

    • The most common use for parsley is as a garnish. The ancient Greeks garnished sacred altars and the heads of victorious athlete with the herb, and Romans used it on serving platters, particularly for honored guests and celebrations. The curly variety lives up to its name -- people like this herb's visual appeal -- while Italian parsley leaves are dark green and flat, and used for flavor. Wash parsley in cool water just before serving your dish. The herb has a fragile nature akin to spinach. After washing, pick off as many leaves or leaf bundles as you wish. Use flat leaf parsley on hot plates as it won't wilt as quickly as curly parsley. Remember to nibble it at the end of your meal to freshen the breath.


    • Parsley as a spice brings out the flavor of many foods. Examples include garlic bread, fish with lemon sauce, barbecued burgers, bean salad, stuffed eggplant and numerous Middle Eastern dishes. The key to success is waiting to add the parsley at the very last minute of cooking.

      When you buy parsley for cooking, you can get it fresh or dry. Fresh parsley holds up for about 10 to 14 days when refrigerated, where dry parsley has an optimal shelf life of about eight to 12 months if kept in an airtight container stored in a cool, dark area. Extend the life of your fresh parsley by freezing it in storage bags. In this form you can use the spice for about six months.

    Garden Plant

    • Parsley makes a great addition to your herb or flower garden. It needs to be re-planted every year, so you can tuck it into spaces where you need some green filler. If you want your parsley to take on unique flavor profiles, plant it adjacent to another herb. The parsley will absorb some of that plant's flavor as it grows.

      Curly parsley reaches between 9 inches and 12 inches in height and provides a textural appeal. Italian parsley grows up to 3 feet, making it an ideal border plant. Make sure to put the parsley in a sunny location. If you're gardening in pots, you'll need at least 12 inches of soil for full root development.

    Health Supplement

    • Eating parsley is good for you. The herb offers a rich variety of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and folic acid. If you need fiber in your diet, ½ cup of parsley provides about .04 ounces of fiber. The best way to get the most benefit from parsley is to consume it fresh. You can, however, purchase parsley supplements at many health stores.