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Organic & Natural Mosquito Repellent

Most commercial mosquito repellents contain Deet, a toxic substance that many people do not want to use on their children or themselves. Fortunately, alternatives do exist. Many companies manufacture natural and organic mosquito repellents made with herbal essential oils. These formulas are sold as sprays or oils and are most effective when reapplied frequently. It is not difficult to make a natural mosquito repellent.
  1. Essential Oils

    • Essential oils are the active ingredient in almost all natural mosquito repellent formulations. These are not oils as most people think of them, but rather aromatic liquid substances extracted from plants through a complicated distillation process. The essential oils most often used in insect repellents include citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, lavender, thyme, catnip, cinnamon and peppermint.

    Preparations and Tips

    • Essential oils don't mix with water so natural mosquito repellents are usually made with essential oils mixed into a lighter carrier oil or with alcohol. The carrier oil could be olive, sunflower or any other cooking oil. Alcohols can be vodka or witch hazel. Some people prefer the alcohol base because it can be sprayed on the body just like chemical mosquito repellents. Some studies have shown that preparations with 10 percent essential oils last for about two hours before needing to be reapplied. When using a natural oil-based repellent, you only need a little bit. Apply a small amount to legs and arms and use the residue left on your hands for the face and neck.

    Recommended Commercial Products

    • There are many natural mosquito repellents than can be purchased at natural food stores, herb stores and even some mainstream drugstores. All Terrain Herbal Armor is a non-greasy spray containing five essential oils and sold in 2- and 4-oz. bottles. The company also makes an insect-repelling lotion. Other popular brands include Jason Naturals, Quantum Health and Badger Balm.

    Make Your Own

    • You can make a natural mosquito repellent inexpensively. Essential oils are very concentrated, and each small bottle can make many ounces of repellent. The basic recipe is to mix 1 part essential oils with 10 to 20 parts carrier oil or alcohol. Citronella oil is the least expensive essential oil for this use, but a blend of two or more oils can be more effective. Purchase essential oils at health food stores or herb stores. Select a good-quality brand that it is a true essential oil. Some recommended brands are Young Living, Simpler's and Oshadhi.