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The Best Soil for Growing Broccoli

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) grows during the cool weather of spring or fall, tolerating light frosts and producing its first harvest within two months. Planting in good soil improves both the health and productivity of the plants. The soil for broccoli should have good drainage, proper pH and ample nutrients to fuel growth. Most gardens will require some preparation to provide this quality of soil.
  1. Soil Type

    • Well-drained soil that's rich in organic matter provides the best soil type for broccoli plants. Overly sandy soil drains and dries out too quickly, while clay soil retains too much moisture and compacts. The best soil type retains enough water to stay moist but not enough to become soggy or muddy. Rich loam soil is best. Loam soil type tends to clump together loosely when squeezed but falls apart when released. Sandy soil won't clump, while clay soil clumps into a dense ball that holds it shape.

    Soil PH

    • Broccoli requires a soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0. A soil test determines the pH. You can buy a kit or meter from a garden center. When the pH is too high, or alkaline, use a sulfur amendment to lower the pH. Limestone amendments raise the pH if the soil is too acid. The soil test will determine how much amendment you'll need to use for your garden. Work the amendments into the soil at least a month before planting, although it's better if you can work them in the season before you plant.

    Organic Matter

    • Broccoli benefits from organic matter in the soil. Organic matter, usually in the form of compost, improves both drainage and moisture retention, maintains loose soil that provides better aeration to broccoli roots, and supplies nutrients for the plants. In good loam soil, a 2-inch layer of compost tilled into the top 6 inches of soil works well. Adding 4 to 6 inches of compost to a slightly sandy bed or clay soil can improve it so it is more loamy.


    • Even the best soil rarely contains all the nutrients broccoli needs. Soil testing can determine the amount and type of fertilizer your soil needs. If you don't test, most soil improves with the addition of an 8-16-16 blend or similar fertilizer before planting. Apply 1 1/2 pounds of the fertilizer to every 50 square feet of garden about two weeks before planting the broccoli. The broccoli plants will quickly use up these nutrients from the soil, so a second application of 1/2 cup of 21-0-0 fertilizer, applied to every 10 foot row four weeks after you plant the broccoli, will replenish nutrients for continued healthy growth.