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How to Harvest Brocolli Sprouts Grown in Soil

It's well-known that many vegetables, such as broccoli (Brassica oleracea), are packed full of antioxidants and cancer-fighting chemicals. Sprouting broccoli varieties -- which grow many little florets rather than heads -- provide more bang for your buck, with 50 times more cancer-fighting chemicals than traditional heads of broccoli, according to Johns Hopkins University. You can grow broccoli sprouts in water or soil, easiest accomplished indoors. Ensure you harvest the sprouts before they become tough and bitter, then add them to your favorite sandwiches and salads.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Bowl
  • Bleach
  • Scissors
  • Airtight container
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      Keep the germinating seeds and new sprouts out of direct sunlight and at ideal temperatures, between 70 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not allow temperatures to drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or rise above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, germination and growth will be compromised. Mist the soil and sprouts each day to maintain moist growing conditions.

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      Soak a pair of scissors in a 1 part bleach and 3 parts water solution for five minutes to sterilize them. Rinse and air dry the scissors before use.

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      Cut the sprouts about three to five days after they germinate when they reach 3 or 4 inches tall. Snip them at soil level with the sterile scissors. Rinse the sprouts under water, pat dry and store in an airtight container for up 10 days in the refrigerator.