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What Can You Do to Speed Up the Growth of Carrots?

Carrots are hearty root crops that grow best in loose, moist soil. These root vegetables grow in a range of sizes and colors with set maturity dates and growing seasons. Gardeners cannot force carrots to grow more quickly but can encourage the best possible growth for earlier harvests.
  1. Maturity Dates

    • All vegetables grow with specific maturity dates, which measure the length of time from seeding to mature fruit or vegetable production. Carrot maturity dates range from 50 to 75 days, depending on the cultivar, or variety of carrot.


    • Start carrots in early spring, before last frost, to ensure the earliest season and quickest harvest possible. Pamela J. Barrett of the Ohio State University Extension notes that carrots mature best at 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit and recommends planting seeds as soon as the soil thaws in spring. Choose quick carrot cultivars like Baby Spike, Minicor and Sweetness for quick growth and an early harvest.

    Site and Soil

    • Give carrots the best site and soil for quick, straight and juicy growth. Choose an open, flat plot with full sunshine and good air circulation. Turn 3 to 4 inches of organic compost into the top 8 to 10 inches of soil through the plot to give carrots loose, moist soil. Carrots become stunted and bent in tight or poor soil. Add 5-10-10 fertilizer for a quicker start.


    • Carrots require consistent moisture for growth and development. Water the plot with 2 to 3 inches of water every week and use 2 inches of organic compost on the soil to keep it moist. Mulch also restricts weed growth, to give carrots healthier competition-free growing situations.


    • Gardeners cannot manipulate or control a carrot crop's growth to full maturity, but can control harvest times. Begin the carrot harvest when the roots reach 4 inches in length for an earlier harvest and juicier, sweeter vegetables. Harvest carrots at need through the season; carrots store in the ground through summertime with continued watering.