Home Garden

How to Let Leeks Go to Seed

Leeks (Allium porum; Allium ampeloprasum) are closely related to onions and garlic. They are best planted in early spring by sowing seeds directly, though growing from seedlings is also an option. Leeks thrive on plenty of sun and water, and should be situated in well-draining soil. Leeks may be ready to pick, depending on the variety, from the middle of summer right into fall. Leek plants flower in a variety of colors and then develop seed heads.


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      Leave the leeks in the ground instead of harvesting them.

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      Watch for flowers, and then seed heads to form.

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      Continue to monitor the plants as seed heads begin to dry. Once dry, the seeds will begin to scatter by wind.

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      Watch for new leek plants scattered across the garden area the next growing season. If the plants are inconveniently located, simply pull them up and transplant them to another part of the garden.