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Can I Use Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster to Water My Garden Vegetables?

Raising vegetables can be rewarding for both new and experienced gardeners, with a wide variety of planting and harvesting possibilities available. All gardens require hard work and maintenance, though, with rich soil, water and fertilizer requirements. Reduce both your expense and labor by using the same fertilizer for your vegetable and flower gardens.
  1. Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster

    • Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster plant food comes in water-soluble and granular mixtures for easy or long-term applications. Add water-soluble formulas to standard waterings at manufacturer-recommended rates. Add granular Shake N Feed Bloom Booster in the spring at planting --- and every three months thereafter --- for slow-release nutrition.

    Vegetable Garden Use

    • The University of Illinois Extension notes that fertilizers with a 5-10-5 analysis work well for vegetable gardens. Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster, or 15-30-15 plant food, fits into this category and promotes vegetative growth, root development and fruit set. Use this food safely through the growing season in either water-soluble or granular forms.


    • Fertilizer is only one step in growing garden vegetables. Plant them in sunny spots, and turn 4 inches of organic compost into the top 10 inches of soil at planting to give the vegetables rich, loose soil. This moisture-retaining mixture also gives plant roots the long-term water support they require.

    Other Maintenance

    • Give vegetable plants additional maintenance with mulch, supplemental fertilizers and water. If you use water-soluble Bloom Booster, add it to the garden's regular watering schedule every seven to 14 days. If you use granular fertilizer, water the plants immediately after, and maintain a schedule of 2 inches of water a week. Lay 2 inches of organic mulch over the soil to keep it warm and moist during the growing season. Supplement the Bloom Booster with plant-specific fertilizers at midseason; many vegetable plants produce a better fruit harvest with individualized fertilizer applications at this time.