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Liquids to Grow Zucchini

Zucchini is a fast-growing vegetable. It rapidly develops from a seed spout into a massive plant producing bushels of fruit. Like most vegetable plants, its roots are shallow and dependent on the topsoil for its nutrients and water. Over time, the soil no longer holds the same quantity of nutrients. Since the plant is in place in the garden, you cannot add compost or soil amendments to the soil. Instead, you have to rely on liquids for helping meet the needs of your zucchini plants.
  1. Water

    • Water is the most important element in the growth of a zucchini plant. It dissolves the phosphorus in the soil to be available to the plant. Water acidifies the soil, making minerals ready for uptake by the roots of the zucchini.

    Liquid Fertilizer

    • Liquid fertilizer is a simple way of enhancing the growth of your zucchini plant without disturbing the leaves. Since the nutrients are already dissolved in the water, you fertilize the roots of the zucchini plant immediately, as long as you pour the liquid fertilizer into damp soil.

    Fish Emulsion

    • Since zucchini is a heavy feeder like other members of the Cucurbits family, a fish emulsion diluted in water helps replace some of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as many micro-minerals. Spraying the leaves will increase the plant's absorption of the minerals faster than if just the roots were watered.


    • There are a few pests that render a healthy zucchini into a scarred and unappetizing vegetable. Using a liquid pesticide to control pests, like pickleworm and squash beetles, works well to decrease the amount of deformed fruits. Apply organic pesticides, if possible, and work in the morning to give the pesticide time to work before the evening