Home Garden

Do Animals Eat Tomato and Pepper Plants?

Although birds and squirrels are more likely to eat tomato and pepper fruits than the plants themselves, hungry animal marauders may nibble the leaves, as well. Deer, in particular, will munch tomato and pepper plants down to the nubbins. Plant more than you'll need and try a few deterrent strategies to foil furry garden thieves.
  1. Timing

    • Deer, rabbits and squirrels are more likely to munch on tomato and pepper plants when other food sources are unavailable. They also prefer plants that are young and tender. Plant tomatoes and peppers in early summer after the last frost. By this time, many other plants are growing to feed hungry animals. Cover young plants with water-filled, plastic cloches. The cloches protect tomatoes and peppers from chilly nights and also keep pests away. Once the plants stand two to three feet high, they are less appealing and more likely to withstand damage.


    • Install a fence around the garden to protect young plants from hungry animals. Staple chicken wire to strong wooden posts to make a fence that stands at least 3 feet high. To keep out rabbits and squirrels, bury the chicken wire at least 4 inches deep to prevent rabbits from digging underneath. To keep deer out, the fence must stand at least 8 feet high.

    Chemical Deterrents

    • Several repellents are available commercially to keep deer and other pests away from the garden. Read product labels. Buy a product that is safe to use on edible plants. Fish fertilizers, such as fermented salmon fertilizer, may also repel pests while providing nitrogen to the garden at the same time.


    • Trained dogs may be successful at keeping deer, rabbits and squirrels out of the tomatoes and peppers. Another option is to install owl nest houses to attract owls to your property. Do not place the nests over cars or structures where the droppings might become a nuisance.