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Raw Pumpkin Seeds & Parasites

When parasites enter the body, they can alter the work of the immune system and damage the lining of the gut. While there are several prescription medications that can rid the body of infection, natural remedies can by effective as well. Raw pumpkin seeds, which can be found at local grocery and health food stores, can flush worms from the intestines and help to restore the body's health, according to WebMD, while providing other nutritional benefits as well.
  1. Stimulating the Digestive System

    • Pumpkin seeds have both a sweet and bitter flavor, which helps to jump-start the stomach and large intestine, according to Natural News. This makes it easier to expel parasites, which are becoming much more of a health problem, according to Paul Pitchford, author of "Healing With Whole Foods." Pitchford asserts that when the immune system is compromised, parasites like tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms can dominate the digestive tract.

    Pumpkin Seeds' Effect on Parasites

    • Raw pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitin, an amino acid that paralyzes the parasites that have taken over a person's digestive tract. When the worms are stilled, they loosen their hold on the intestines and it is easier for them to be expelled from the body. A parasitic disease derived from snails, called schistosomiasis, is effectively treated with pumpkin seeds as well, according to the Digital Naturopath website; as of now, the disease occurs most often in South America, Africa and Asia.

    Parasitic Infestation Symptoms

    • If you think you may need to eat raw pumpkin seeds to get rid of parasites, it's important to pay attention to the symptoms your body exhibits. Feeling constantly fatigued or weak or having an increased appetite could be a sign that you should include more pumpkin seeds in your diet. White facial blotches and an intense craving for sweets could indicate the presence of parasites in the gut as well.

    Additional Benefits

    • In addition to getting rid of tapeworms, pinworms and roundworms, raw pumpkin seeds can also increase the health of the kidneys and prevent the formation of calcium oxalate, which causes kidney stones. The Health Diaries website asserts that raw pumpkin seeds are an effective treatment for depression, as the seeds contain L-tryptophan, which helps to boost mood. Raw pumpkin seeds are also a healthy source of zinc, a mineral that maintains the health of bones and prevents osteoporosis.

    Eating Raw Pumpkin Seeds

    • You can grind the seeds and add them to juice or cereal, or combine the seeds with dried fruits and nuts, like almonds and pistachios, for a healthy trail mix. Pumpkin seeds can also be combined with other ingredients for a tapeworm remedy that has been practiced for years in Germany. The person affected with tapeworms is given 10 oz. of ground pumpkin seeds with honey and milk, and castor oil two hours later.