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How to Cut and Water Onions

Onions are a cool season vegetable that can be planted in late winter or early spring in temperate states and planted in the fall for a spring harvest in southern states. Onions grow best in places where they receive low humidity. Make sure the area around your onions is well-weeded since the shallow roots of the plant make it difficult to compete for resources if weeds are present. Like all vegetables, onions also have specific watering and harvesting requirements.

Things You'll Need

  • Knife
  • String
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      Provide your onions with about 1 inch of water per week. Soil should be moist but not soaked. Make sure soil is constantly moist after bulbs begin enlarging to produce a better yield of onions.

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      Stop watering your onions about a week before you harvest them. You can tell when the tops of the onions turn yellow or start to fall over. Cutting off water during this period will help the onions produce a protective layer of scales.

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      Harvest your onions when 3/4 of all the tops have fallen over by pulling the bulbs from out of the ground. Pull them out in the morning and allow the bulbs to air dry until late afternoon.

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      Hang the onions some place dry, such as a shed, tying the tops with string before hanging. Allow two to three weeks to dry out.

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      Cut the top 1 to 2 inches off the onions once dry, where the stem is bent over, with a knife.