Home Garden

How to Grow Eggplants and Prevent Flower Drop

Eggplant is a tasty vegetable gardeners often choose for home growing. Eggplant is a member of the same family as tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. It is a cold-tender plant that needs a long growing season and plenty of sunshine to bear an abundant crop. Eggplant can be a finicky plant that requires a bit of attention and experience to grow successfully. Understanding the right conditions for growing and how to prevent flower drop will guarantee a good yield of eggplant for your table.

Things You'll Need

  • Starting trays
  • Starting medium
  • Shovel
  • Plastic mulch
  • 4-2-2 organic fertilizer
  • Stakes
  • Sheet or landscape cloth
  • Bacillus thuringiensis
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      Sow eggplant seeds indoors in a tray with seed-starting medium 10 weeks before the last date of frost in your area. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and water.

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      Place the tray in a warm area of your home with indirect sunlight and keep it moist but not wet.

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      Turn the tray frequently to allow light to all areas of the plant.

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      Set the plants outdoors for gradually longer periods of time each day to harden them off when they are ready for transplanting.

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      Set plants into the ground in a sunny area of the yard with well-draining soil. Add compost or processed manure to the soil to improve drainage, if necessary. Plants should be one foot apart with rows three feet apart.

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      Fertilize the plants with a high-quality 4-2-2 organic fertilizer to get plants off to a good start.

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      Water the eggplants regularly to keep the soil moist but not wet. Lay plastic mulch to retain moisture and keep soil temperatures warm to help increase fruit yield.

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      Stake plants if necessary when fruits begin to get heavy.

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      Monitor plants for pest problems and apply Bacillus thuringiensis, a bacterium that infects plant pests, if flea beetles or Colorado potato beetles chew holes or defoliate plants.

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      Harvest fruit when it is one-third to fully grown. The skin of the fruit should be smooth and shiny for best taste and texture.