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How to Repair Broken Squash Stems

From time to time, stems break on all types of plants and, luckily, you can easily repair them. To repair a broken squash stem, check first if you have a squash vine borer, or Melittia cucurbitae, infestation. According to Clemson Cooperative Extension, squash vine borer larvae tunnel through squash stems. Look for sudden wilting, insect waste that looks similar to sawdust and torn stems. Remove the infestation by slitting open the stem and killing the insects with a pin. Then, bury the damaged stem in the soil to encourage root growth. If you are sure the broken stem is not from insect damage, heal the stem by adding a support system.

Things You'll Need

  • Wettable sulfur
  • Small stake
  • Bamboo stake
  • Twine
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Dust the broken area of the squash vine with wettable sulfur, available from hardware stores. This prevents any disease that may form in the open area of the plant.

    • 2

      Press a small stake into the ground right next to the broken stem. Choose a stake that is about the same height as the broken area.

    • 3

      Push another stake at the end of the broken stem. Be sure it is as tall as the plant itself. Squash is a vine, so a 2-foot stake should be adequate.

    • 4

      Lift the end of the broken stem and tie it to the nearest stake with twine. Wrap the twine twice around and create a double knot. Cut off any excess twine with scissors.

    • 5

      Tie the first, smaller stake to the broken vine closer to where it is broken. Wrap twine around it twice and then double knot it. Cut of any excess. The two stakes should close up the wound as well as possible.

    • 6

      Water the plant as usual.