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How to Grow Black Beauty Zucchini in a Container

Summer squash is distinguished from winter squash by its edible skin and zucchini is one of the most popular. The Black Beauty variety is a bush-type zucchini, making it ideal for container growing. The bush is compact and bears dark green zucchini within 45 to 65 days after planting. Black Beauty zucchini doesn't transplant well, so start them in the outdoor container in May.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Large bucket
  • Potting soil
  • Peat moss
  • Perlite
  • Compost
  • Starter fertilizer
  • Scissors
  • 20-20-20 fertilizer
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    • 1

      Choose a container in which to grow the Black Beauty zucchini. It should measure at least 12 inches and be as tall as it is wide. The pot must have holes in the bottom for drainage. Place the pot in an area that receives at least eight hours of sun per day.

    • 2

      In a large bucket or other container, combine equal parts of potting soil, peat moss, perlite and compost. Add starter fertilizer according to label recommendations. Mix the ingredients well and moisten.

    • 3

      Fill the pot three-fourths of the way with the planting mix. Create holes in the soil for the plants and pack the soil around the roots. If you are planting seeds, place five or six seeds in the center and cover with a 1/2-inch layer of perlite.

    • 4

      Water the soil until excess water drains from the pot. Check the pot every day to make sure the soil remains moist.

    • 5

      Thin the seedlings when they reach 8 inches in height so that only the strongest is left to grow. Don't pull the seedlings from the soil; use scissors to cut them off so that you don't disturb the remaining Black Beauty's roots.

    • 6

      Fertilize the Black Beauty zucchini for the first time in the middle of July. Apply 20-20-20 fertilizer, at the label recommended rate, to wet soil. Repeat the application once a week.

    • 7

      Harvest the Black Beauty zucchinis when they reach 8 inches in length.