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How to Cultivate Bhut Jolokia Peppers

Peppers grow in a range of cultivars and tastes, from large, mellow bell peppers to small, hot habaneros and jalapenos. At one time, the Bhut Jolokia pepper held the Guinness World Record for the hottest pepper, with its smoky blasts of searing heat in every bite. These peppers require standard pepper growing conditions, but get even hotter with some restrictions as the plant fruits. Plant Bhut Jolokia peppers at the right time of year and manipulate the conditions for hotter, more daring harvests.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic compost
  • Garden fork
  • Fertilizer
  • Mulch
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      Plant Bhut Jolokai pepper seeds or seedlings in midspring, after the last thaw. Give these summertime plants at least 90 to 100 days of frost-free growing for full harvest.

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      Choose a site with full, bright sun and good air drainage. Peppers require at least six hours of light every day, and won't bloom or bear their fruit in the shade.

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      Amend the site before planting. Turn 3 to 4 inches of rich organic compost into the top 8 to 10 inches of natural soil for best nutrition, drainage and moisture retention. Add 5-10-10 granular fertilizer to encourage germination and rooting. Bhut Jolokia pepper plants require good nutrition for initial growth and bloom production.

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      Plant Bhut Jolokia pepper seeds 1/4 inch deep at every 18 inches in the row. Leave 24 inches between rows for sun and air exposure. Peppers don't grow or bloom well in crowded plantings.

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      Mulch the plants for the first half of the growing season. Spread 2 inches of organic mulch over the soil between plantings. Water the plants with 2 inches of water every week during this time.

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      Feed Bhut Jolokia peppers when fruit first sets with 12-12-12 fertilizer, but make this your last fertilizer application. This fertilizer encourages productivity and fruit set.

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      Remove mulch and reduce waterings to 1 inch every week after this fertilizer application. Stress the plant at this point to produce smaller, hotter peppers. Maintain your mulch and watering schedule to produce larger, juicier peppers.