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How to Cut a Red Potato Seed for Planting

New red potato plants are grown by replanting sections of individual potatoes called seed potatoes. There are some special techniques gardeners need to keep in mind to grow successfully a new crop of red potatoes using seed potatoes. Improperly cutting the seed potato may result in undesirable results such as rotting or no yield at all. You'll enjoy a large bounty of potatoes at the end of the season by learning how to slice seed potatoes properly at the start of the season.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean knife
  • Red potatoes
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      Select small red potatoes that have multiple, well-formed eyes. New potato plants sprout from these eye growths.

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      Cut seed potatoes to the size of an ice cube or chicken egg. Larger red potato seed chunks will grow a larger amount of small- and medium-sized potatoes, while a smaller red potato seed is more likely to produce a smaller yield of big potatoes, according to the National Gardening Association.

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      Leave the cut potatoes in a cool, dark place so they can heal over the exposed potato flesh. Allowing the red potato seeds heal over helps to prevent rotting. After one or two days, the seed potatoes are ready to be planted.