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How to Grow Peas in a Container or a Hanging Basket

You can grow peas close to the kitchen in containers or hanging baskets. Peas are a climbing vine. In the garden they need a trellis or other support structure to grow up. When growing peas in containers, place them near a railing or place the planter at the base of a trellis. Hanging baskets make growing peas even easier. The vines trail over the edges and hang down, right at picking height. Look for dwarf varieties for containers and hanging baskets to help keep your potted pea garden under control.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat moss or newspaper
  • Gravel or pottery shards
  • Potting soil
  • Pencil (optional)
  • Mulch
  • 6-foot tall bamboo pole (optional)
  • 20-20-20 fertilizer
  • Pruning shears
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      Select a pot or hanging basket with a diameter of 12 to 24 inches or larger. Use pots or planters with at least three to five holes in the bottom to allow water to escape.

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      Line hanging baskets with peat moss or newspaper to keep the soil in. You can use plastic, but punch holes in the bottom to let water out. Spread a 1-inch layer of gravel over the bottom of planters and pots to keep the soil from leaking out the drain holes. You can also use loose fitting pottery shards or flat stones.

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      Fill the pots up to 2 inches below the rim with potting soil. Commercially formulated potting soil mixes are lightweight, sterile and they often have fertilizer added. Garden soil is not suitable. It is heavy and tends to compact in containers, gradually suffocating the pea plants.

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      Plant the pea seeds 1 to 2 inches deep and 3 inches apart. Make the seed holes with your index finger or a pencil and drop one pea seed into each hole. Sprinkle soil on top of the pea seeds and smooth out the surface. Plant pea seeds in spring after the air warms to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or above.

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      Hang the baskets in a spot that gets full sun. Place planters on a sunny deck or patio. If the planter is not next to a suitable structure for the peas to climb, stick a 6-foot-tall bamboo pole in the center of the pot. Pick a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sun a day.

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      Water the pea seeds right after planting them. Soak each pot until water starts to run out the holes in the bottom. Water the planters when the top of the potting soil feels dry down 1 to 2 inches throughout the growing season.

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      Mulch the pea seedlings after they emerge and grow 2 to 3 inches tall. Pots and baskets in full sun dry out quickly. A layer of mulch insulates the soil, helping to retain moisture. Use compost, sawdust or fine bark or wood chips.

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      Fertilize twice a month using a 20-20-20 fertilizer. A water-soluble fertilizer mixed with water works well or use a slow-release fertilizer. Keep fertilizer off the leaves and stalks as it can burn the plants.

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      Harvest peas by pinching or clipping the pods from the vine when ripe. Peas require 50 to 60 days from planting to harvest. Check the seed package to determine the probable harvest time for the variety you are growing. Peas are ripe when the pods look full and plump.