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Listing of Carrot Varieties

The carrot is a robust root vegetable that can endure summer temperatures but grows best in the cool climates of early spring and fall. Equally tasty raw and cooked, carrots have a long shelf life when properly stored in the vegetable bin of refrigerators. The varieties range from early harvested “baby” carrots to long, thick types, and all are a rich source of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A upon consumption by humans.
  1. Long Carrots

    • The longest varieties of carrots range in length from 8 to 11 inches. The longest is Legend, a hybrid that grows to lengths between 9 and 11 inches, followed by Avenger, Imperator, Gold Pak, Tendersweet and Orlando Gold. The growing period for long carrots is between 65 and 78 days.

    Medium-Length Carrots

    • Medium-length carrots have roots between 6 and 8 inches in length. Ingot, an extraordinarily sweet variety, is rarely shorter than 8 inches. Bolero and Danvers Half-Long carrots range between 7 and 8 inches, Touchons average about 7 inches and Sweetness and Scarlet Nantes varieties typically have 6-inch roots. Medium-length carrots have slightly shorter growing periods than longer ones, between 63 and 75 days.

    Short and Baby Carrots

    • Normally sweeter and tenderer than larger varieties, short and baby carrots are most often sold with the greens attached to the tops, which are sometimes used in salads. Usually between 3 and 5 inches long, top varieties include Baby Spike, Short ‘n’ Sweet, Minicor and Little Finger. Little carrots are ready for harvest within 52 to 65 days of planting.

    Novelty Carrots

    • Some carrot varieties are unusual in shape or color. Belgium Whites mature in 75 days and have long, tapered roots. Thumbelinas have the typical orange color of conventional carrots but have 1-inch-wide round roots instead of long ones. Yellow stone carrots grow to lengths between 8 and 10 inches and have a bright yellow hue. Dragon carrots are between 6 and 8 inches long with reddish purple skins and orange-yellow flesh.