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Is It OK to Grow Sweet Peppers Near Jalapeno Peppers?

Sweet peppers and hot chili peppers such as jalapenos are in the same genus, Capsicum. This means that they can cross-pollinate. That's not a problem if you're growing them just for their fruits (botanically speaking, a fruit is the seed-bearing part of a plant, so peppers are fruits). But if you want to save your own seed to plant next year, there are spacing considerations.
  1. Growing Different Peppers Near Each Other

    • It is fine to grow different types of peppers such as sweet peppers and jalapenos near each other if you are only interested in harvesting them this year and not in saving seed for next year. Their fertilization, water and sunlight requirements are similar, so the plants grow well alongside one another. If you choose to grow different varieties of peppers near each other in the garden, plan on buying new pepper seeds or plants next year.

    Growing Peppers for Seeds

    • Because different varieties of peppers can cross-pollinate, you need to isolate the different varieties from each other if you intend to save their seeds. Seeds from different types that were grown next to each other will not grow true to the parent plant. For example, you might end up with something that looks like a jalapeno but is mild and sweet like a bell pepper.

    Recommended Isolation Distances for Sweet Peppers

    • Different varieties of bell peppers should be separated by a minimum of 150 feet. Long sweet peppers, such as roasting peppers, should be separated from other sweet peppers and varieties by 150 to 200 feet. It is also a good idea to include a non-pepper barrier planting between the different pepper varieties. These distances are based on achieving a high level of purity in the seeds of pepper plants, meaning the seeds will grow true to the parent plants.

    Recommended Isolation Distances for Hot Peppers

    • Hot pepper varieties should be separated from each other, and from sweet pepper varieties, by 600 feet to ensure a high level of purity in the seeds. It is also a good idea to include a non-pepper barrier planting between the different pepper varieties.