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How to Plant Carrots for Kids

Carrots are an easy vegetable for kids to plant and grow. These root vegetables enjoy cool temperatures and wet weather, making them an ideal plant for conditions not desirable for other plants. Because carrot seeds typically germinate in three weeks or less, they also work well for children’s short attention spans.

Things You'll Need

  • Medium-root carrot seeds
  • Garden rake
  • Small shovel
  • Slow-release granular fertilizer
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  1. Preparing the Garden

    • 1

      Determine the amount of garden space needed for the number of carrots you plan to grow. Carrot seeds are spaced 2 inches apart and rows are placed 12 inches apart, so a carrot garden of two rows of 10 seeds each would be approximately 3-by-2 feet.

    • 2

      Rake the area, breaking up lumps of soil. Ensure the area is free of weeds and large rocks.

    • 3

      Rake a thin layer no more than one-half inch thick of slow-acting, granular fertilizer into the dirt.

    • 4

      Dig a line approximately one-half inch deep across the length where the carrots will be planted.

    Planting the Carrot Seeds

    • 5

      Place two or three carrot seeds every 2 inches across the line that you dug.

    • 6

      Cover the carrot seeds with a thin layer of soil approximately one-quarter inch deep.

    • 7

      Water the carrot seeds generously after first planting. Continue watering the carrots every other day until the seedlings appear.

    Caring for the Carrots

    • 8

      Weeding the soil around the carrots regularly removes any competition for nutrients and growth.

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      Raking the soil around the carrot seeds once a week keeps the soil loose. Do not rake directly over the seeds.

    • 10

      Thin the carrot seeds when seedlings appear so the garden contains one seedling for every two inches in the row.

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      Water the seedlings three or four times a week, being careful to avoid overwatering, which rots the roots.

    • 12

      Harvest the carrots by pulling them out of the ground when the root heads are one-half inch in diameter, which happens between two and three months after planting.

    • 13

      Cut the leaves off the carrots after harvest.