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How to Grow a Vegetable Garden by the Moon Phases

Before the world had a single, number-based calendar to follow, ancient cultures used the moon to guide their gardening. Some planters still use this ancient practice today, using nature's calendar to determine when to plant vegetables. The moon is a visible marker of passing time, and when you carefully watch its phases you will discover the best times for planting food crops without the aid of calendars, manuals or fancy gardening guides.


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      Wait until after the new moon, when the moon is in waxing phase, before planting your vegetable garden. When the moon is waxing, or increasing in size, the water table is higher and plants will have the best access to moisture and nutrients in the soil.

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      Plant leafy vegetables like broccoli, lettuce and spinach in the first part of the waxing phase, when the moon is a small sliver in the sky. By the calendar, these vegetables are best planted near the end of spring and summer.

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      Wait until the moon is half-full, still in the waxing phase, to plant light-loving vegetables like beans, tomatoes and peas. By the calendar, these vegetables are commonly planted in early spring and summer.

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      Watch for the full moon, which lasts for three days, and plant root vegetables just after the full moon ends. Potatoes, carrots and onions are best planted at this time, when the water table is starting to lower and soil is less moist. Root vegetables are commonly planted near the middle of spring and summer.

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      Weed and prune the garden when the moon is in its waning, or decreasing, phase. During this phase, the moon will look like a C-shaped crescent in the sky. Plant sap runs slower and the water table is lower at this time, making conditions perfect for pruning and other plant maintenance.

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      Harvest mature vegetables just before the full moon, when the moon is in its waning phase and the water table is high. Vegetables and plants will be full of moisture at this time.