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Why Haven't My Cucumbers Sprouted?

Cucumbers are lush and successful in summertime gardens, with quick seasons and multiple harvests every year. These are sensitive plants, though, and need the right mix of conditions to germinate and grow. With appropriate sun, warmth, nutrition and water, cucumber seeds should germinate in eight to 10 days. Once they germinate, cucumbers take 50 to 60 days to reach maturity and bear their first fruit.
  1. Viability

    • Cucumber seeds may be viable or not viable at planting, and won't sprout if the plant matter inside is dead. Test seeds ahead of planting to determine viability. Put the seeds in a bowl of lukewarm water and leave them for 30 minutes; seeds that sink are viable, while those that float are dead.

    Season and Temperature

    • Cucumbers are sensitive summertime plants and fail in any frost. Cucumber seeds won't germinate in cold, wet soil or at air temperatures under 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The plants fail and die in low temperatures, and don't recover after frost bite.

    Site and Sun

    • Cucumbers require plenty of warmth to germinate and grow, and get that warmth from full sun and good air circulation. Seeds won't germinate in cool, shady areas or standing water. Plant seeds and seedlings in dry, sunny sites for best germination and growth.

    Soil and Nutrition

    • Cucumber seeds require loose, moist and fertile soil for germination, rooting and growth. The Ohio State University Extension recommends working organic compost or well-rotted manure into the soil at planting to build an adequate foundation. The extension also recommends starting cucumbers with 5-10-10 fertilizer for better initial rooting.


    • Adequate water softens seeds husks for sprouting while too much water drowns the seeds. Water cucumber seeds with 1 inch of water whenever the top layer of soil dries. Use a watering can when watering to avoid displacing the seeds. Rake the soil around the plantings every other day to break up any surface crust, as this can impeded sprouting as well.