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Growing Napa Cabbage

A native of China, the Napa cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) originated around 500 A.D. Since the cabbage’s early roots, the vegetable showed up in Japan around the late 19th century. Eventually, the Napa cabbage made its way to the United States. Today, you can find Napa cabbage crops growing across the nation from California to Florida. The Napa cabbage’s barrel-shaped head separates the vegetable from other Chinese cabbages. You can find several types of Napa cabbages. The most common Napa types include Blues, China Pride, Orient Express and Optiko.

Things You'll Need

  • Napa cabbage seeds
  • Knife
  • Soil
  • Soil test kit
  • Plant shovel
  • Water
  • Pesticides
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      Plan to plant Napa cabbages during appropriate seasons. Blues and Orient Express cabbage can withstand springtime warmth. China Pride cabbages, on the other hand, tolerate the coolness of fall better. Optiko cabbages adapt well to spring and fall.

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      Dig a hole and plant Napa cabbage seeds shallowly, no more than 1/2 inch deep. Place the seeds at least 18 inches apart.

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      Water crops frequently. Chinese cabbages require plenty of water to flourish. These plants should be kept in an area with moist, well-drained and nitrogen-rich soil.

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      Make sure the cabbages remain in slightly acidic soil. Conduct a soil test to find out the pH. Napa cabbage grows optimally between the pH of 6 and 6.5.

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      Prevent diseases. Napa cabbages are susceptible to diseases such as anthracnose, black rot, wire stem, nematode and southern blight. Common remedies for these diseases include fungicides such as Bacillus subtilis, neem oil and azadirachtin.

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      Treat Napa cabbages with insecticides. Insects also pose a problem for Napa cabbage. The aphid, cabbage looper, cabbageworm, flea beetle and root maggot are attracted to these plants. These insects can be controlled by using insecticides such as neem oil, pyrethrins and azadirachtin.

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      Harvest Napa cabbage by cutting the plants from the base using a sharp knife. Depending on the variety, harvest time for Napa cabbages occurs in the early summer or late fall.