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How to Plant Tulips for Spring Bloom

Many people don't think about spring flowers until they start seeing them in bloom. Tulips are one of the signs that spring has begun. After a long, bland, and dreary winter, everyone cherishes the vibrant array of pinks, yellows, purples and reds that the spring blooms display. If you want to garnish your outdoor oasis with a rainbow of beautiful colors for spring, follow my step by step guide on how to plant tulips for spring bloom.


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      When shopping for tulip bulbs it is important to choose bulbs that are free from cuts, gashes, or bruises. Choose firm whole bulbs. Stay away from bulbs that appear to have dark discolorations on them, this could be mold or a dead bulb.

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      Begin your spring planting in the fall before the first frost. Usually, depending on the climate in your local area, it is in late September or early October. A good rule of thumb is, you can plant tulips at any time of the fall before the first frost, as long as the soil temperature 6 inches down is 60 degrees or less.

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      Tulips grow their best in full sun. Choose a planting location that gets the most sunlight, and has the best soil drainage. Your tulips will not thrive in a location where water collects.

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      After you have picked a location for your tulips, dig a hole 6 inches deep. You need at least 4 inches of soil on top of the bulbs. If you live in an area that has light or sandy soil, you should dig your hole 8 inches deep. The extra 2 inches will also keep your bulbs out of reach if you live in an area where pests are a problem.

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      Once the hole is dug, it is a good idea to add a sprinkle of bulb food into the hole first. You can also use bone meal instead of bulb food. Put your bulb into the hole pointed end up. Replace the soil covering the bulb. After the soil is replaced, you will now need to water the newly planted bulb. Make sure that you space your bulbs 2 to 4 inches apart to allow them room to grow. For a vibrant statement, plant your tulips in clusters using various colors.