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Tulip Flower Structure

Tulips are considered both "complete" and "perfect" flowers, meaning that they contain all the significant parts of the flower, including a functional stamen and pistil used in pollination. Tulips are one of the best flowers for scientists and students to dissect and study because they contain all the parts of a flower and come apart more easily than other flowers.
  1. Flower Description

    • Tulips have a distinctive cup-like flower that is round on the bottom. Their petals vary greatly, though; some are ruffled and fringed, whereas others are lily-shaped. Tulips also come in a wide variety of colors including reds, pinks, yellows, and whites and striated petals with multiple colors. The plants vary greatly in their size, from 6 inches to 2 feet tall.

    Female Reproductive Parts

    • The pistil, stigma, style and ovary make up the female parts of the flower. The pistil, which is located in the center of the flower, is the collective name for the stigma, ovaries and style. Pollens lands on the stigma during pollination, and the ovaries house the undeveloped seeds in the flower. The style connects the stigma to the ovary.

    Male Reproductive Parts

    • The stamen is the collective name for the anther and filament portion of the flower. The anther, located at the top of the filament, contains pollen. If you look closely, you should be able to see the individual pieces of pollen. The pollen can't travel to the stigma on its own; it mostly gets transferred to the stigma through wind or insects that land first on the stamen and then on the stigma. The stamens are located around the edges of the pistil in the tulip.

    Tulip Basics

    • Although tulips vary greatly, they all have some things in common. All tulips have six sepals, the part of the plant that protected the bud before it bloomed. Tulips also have six stamens and only one pistil. The stigma itself is either three-lobed or has three separate stigmas closely knit together. The ovary of the bloom itself is comprised of three-chambered pods.