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My Tulips Won't Bloom

Tulips are an easy-to-grow plant, perfect for beginning gardeners or those who don't have a lot of time to dedicate to pruning and fertilizing and other flower needs. This doesn't mean that tulip bulbs can simply be planted in the ground and expected to bloom year after year with no extra care. Tulips do require a few special measures in order to bloom regularly.
  1. Dividing Bulbs

    • Tulip bulbs do not stay the same year after year. Large bulbs divide into several small bulbs in order to reproduce. The small bulbs need to grow for a few years before they are able to produce flowers. These little bulbs will often send out leaves without any bloom. You should dig these bulbs up and plant them apart from each other so that they can grow large enough to begin producing flowers.


    • Tulips need plenty of sun in order to bloom. Bulbs planted in conditions that are too shady are likely to send up leaves but never bloom. If you planted bulbs in the fall, after the leaves fell off the trees, the site may have appeared sunny enough but could be shady in the spring after the leaves have returned. Check the amount of sunlight the tulip leaves are receiving. If the site is shady for a more than an hour or two a day, you should move the bulb to a sunnier location so that it can bloom.


    • Tulip bulbs require well draining soil. A bulb planted in soil that constantly retains water is likely to rot, or the roots will not grow well. A rotted bulb cannot produce leaves or blooms, so you should throw it out. A bulb that cannot produce healthy roots also cannot flower. If it is not rotted, the bulb should go to a location with better drainage.

    Leaf Removal

    • After the tulip bloom is spent, the leaves remain in place, gathering nutrients for the bulb. These nutrients help produce leaves and the flower for the next year. The leaves should remain until they are completely brown and dried. If you remove the leaves too soon, especially while they are still green, the bulb cannot store enough nutrients and it may not bloom the next year.