Home Garden

The Average Price of Growing a Tomato Plant

Nothing tastes nearly as good as a home-grown tomato -- not tomatoes from farmer's markets, and certainly not supermarket tomatoes. You can, however, save money by growing instead of buying.
  1. Cost of the Plant

    • A package of seeds ranges in cost from a couple of dollars to a little over $5 at the time of publication. The number of seeds in a packet also varies, from 10 to even 125 -- although 30 is most common. Thus, the average cost per plant, grown from seed, ranges from 15 to 20 cents. In contrast, a single seedling purchased at a nursery or store may cost $2 to $5.

    Other Costs

    • Growing your own saves money, so it costs nothing.

      Your tomato needs water, soil and fertilizer. Water will cost only a few cents, and fertilizer runs about 15 cents, according to Thomas Bewick with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If planted in a container with potting soil, another $2 to $5 expense applies. The cost is now, on average, around 5$ for a seed in potting soil (50 cents in the ground) and double for seedlings.

    Does It Really Cost?

    • The term "cost" is, however, misleading, because you must figure in the value of the tomatoes. When the cost in stores easily averages $1.50 per lb. -- sometimes less, sometimes more -- and the average plant yields at least ten pounds, the cost of buying tomatoes equals $22.50. In comparison to a plant that costs $5 to $10, the true cost is nothing because you save money.