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Is Trimming Suckers Part of How to Care for Tomato Plants?

Tomato suckers are a normal part of the tomato plant. If left undisturbed, they grow into a branch of their own. Many gardeners recommend trimming the suckers, but it is optional. The total number of tomatoes harvested from the plant is reduced when the suckers are removed, but the remaining tomatoes grow bigger, and some people claim they taste better.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears


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      Look for a sucker growing from the intersection of a branch and the main stem.

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      If the sucker is under 2 inches, use your fingers to snap it off close to the vine.

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      Cut the sucker with clean shears if it is too big to easily snap with finger pressure.

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      Grow new tomato plants by sticking the ends of 12-inch or longer suckers into loose, well-draining soil. Keep it watered, and within a few weeks, you will have cloned tomato plants from the first one.