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When Are Black Prince Tomatoes Ripe?

The "Black Prince" is an heirloom tomato highly prized for its distinctive color and taste. Tomatoes are a warm-weather crop that can be grown in the early or middle part of the growing season. Depending on the variety of tomato, some tomato plants are able to withstand cooler temperatures or different growing conditions, but changes affect the rate of growth and ripening.

  1. Description

    • "Black Prince" tomatoes are an indeterminate, heirloom tomato variety. They produce fruit that is around 2 to 3 inches wide. Their color is red-brown to dark brown, and it has a rich taste. "Black Prince" tomatoes are extremely juicy. This variety is originally from Russia and is able to withstand temperatures cooler than those tolerated by most other tomatoes.

    Harvest Time

    • "Black Prince" tomatoes are first ready for harvest 70 days after transplant. This makes the tomato plant one of the earlier fruiting varieties of heirloom tomatoes. This variety does not grow to a set height, so regular harvest and pruning ensure a constant supply and healthy production of tomatoes for the entire growing season. Because "Black Prince" tomatoes can grow in cooler conditions, the plants can produce tomatoes almost until the end of the growing season.

    Feel and Color

    • "Black Prince" tomatoes are ready to be harvested when they are fully red-brown or dark brown. Their "shoulders" turn dark brown and almost black when they are ready to be picked. They should be firm when touched. Tomatoes continue to ripen after they have been harvested, but they are at their best quality when they ripen in warm temperatures on the vine.


    • Tomatoes ripen best when the average air temperature is around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. When the air temperature becomes significantly higher --- more than 90 degrees Fahrenheit --- the softening process of the tomatoes increases. As well, in temperatures of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or more, the color change process is delayed, producing unevenly colored or ripened fruits. "Black Prince" tomatoes that have been harvested before they are fully ripened continue to ripen slowly over the next few weeks when placed in room temperature conditions.