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Can I Pollinate Tomatoes Without Bees?

Tomatoes grow well in warm temperatures, bright sunlight and moist soil. The plants produce flowers that become the actual tomato fruits once pollinated. Indoor tomatoes often lack the bees necessary to pollinate their flowers and produce tomatoes. Hand-pollination is necessary and effective in this case. Several hand-pollination methods are available, and each should be practiced on warm, humid days to increase chances of success.

  1. Air

    • Outdoor tomatoes are not only pollinated by bees but also by wind. Indoor tomatoes are not often exposed to wind. Even when tomatoes are kept on a screened porch or near a screened window, the wind is often not sufficient enough to pollinate. Try circulating the air in the room with a strong fan or gently blow on them to pollinate the flowers.


    • Vibrations from a bee's wings stimulate the tomato flowers to release pollen. Mechanical vibrating devices are sold in garden supply stores and pollinate tomato flowers for you. However, easier and less expensive options are available. Try using a mechanical toothbrush or mechanical shaver held near the flowers to cause them to release their pollen. The pollen leaves the male part of the flower and reaches the female part.


    • Give the tomatoes a gentle shake. This method is easier but a bit less sophisticated than using vibrations. It is, nonetheless, effective. Shaking the flowers gently releases pollen and allows it to travel to the female part of the flower to pollinate. Try this method every two to three days to achieve pollination and begin producing tomatoes.


    • A cotton swab also makes an effective pollinator. Gently tap the flowers over a container to collect pollen inside. Dip a clean cotton swab into the collected pollen and gently dab in onto each flower. This ensures that the pollen is placed on each flower, giving them all an opportunity to pollinate. The procedure is successful when the flowers begin to wilt away and become a tiny tomato.