Home Garden

How to Prune Sucker Growth on Tomatoes

Tomatoes are used in a wide variety of foods, both as a main ingredient, such as in tomato sauce or stuffed tomatoes, and as a garnish in salads or on sandwiches. Many people who have gardens in their yards grow tomatoes because of their wide use and because they're fairly easy to grow. As with most other plants, pruning is an important part of maintaining your tomato plants because removing extra stems, or "suckers", can focus the plant's energy on growing the main stem and fruit.


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      Examine the vines of the plants where the leaves and tomatoes branch off. The suckers grow in the space between the main vine and the branches.

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      Pinch the sucker firmly between your thumb and finger.

    • 3

      Pull the sucker off of the plant. This process is called "pinching off."

    • 4

      Pinch off all suckers located on the plant.